Carpet Area. Built-up Area. Super Built-up Area.

Carpet Area. Built-up Area. Super Built-up Area.

Housing area related terminologies explained!

Are you beginning a house hunt? Kudos! There is nothing like owning a house of your own. The sense of achievement of seeing your name on the door is unmatchable. But before you get there, there are a lot of things you need to know. For example: area terminologies. When you approach an agent or executives, you will find them throwing jargons at you like carpet area, built-up area and super built-up area. Although all of them may sound similar, there is a lot of difference in what they mean. Knowing the difference will help you understand if the calculations and the price you pay is justified.

Here are those terms explained that we need to know and consider in buying our dream home. 

Carpet Area:

In Laymen’s language, the Carpet area is the area that can be used to spread a carpet inside the house, and it is the net usable area of the apartment. Let us understand this in detail.

The area on the floor, excluding all the external walls available for us to use for our furniture, is the carpet area. This area includes the size of the living room, bedroom, washroom, kitchen, storeroom, balconies and staircase inside the house, etc. Now the question arises, why is the carpet area so important, and why should we consider this on priority? The answer is simple. We need to know how much space is available to walk and have our guests over? Not only that, but would the room look clumsy or open, and here we understand the kind of home we are looking for, for ourselves.

Carpet Area Calculation:
The Carpet Area = Net Usable Area

Built-Up Area: 

The built-up area includes additional areas apart from the carpet area, such as the floor and the walls in the carpet area. It consists of the balcony and terrace provided by the builder. The built-up area is measured from the outer perimeter of wall surfaces.

The Built-Up Area can be summarized as follows:
Built-up Area = Carpet Area + Area of walls

Super Built-Up Area: 

The super built-up area, also called as saleable area, includes the areas that are not part of the house but a part of the entire building. Thus, when adequately allotted, the common areas make the Super Built-Up area. This area can then be used to make the Clubhouse, Lift, Staircase, Lobby, Gymnasium, etc.

How to calculate the Super Built-Up Area?
Super Built Up Area = Built Up Area + Common Areas

Now that you know these terms and concepts, keep them in mind during your next house-hunting session to feel more confident about the executives and agents!

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